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Walker Spirit Page 7
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Page 7
She pulled open the door, and he stood there, a god in denim, she decided. The corner of his mouth turned up into a shockingly sexy grin. His sunglasses hooked in the front of his deep blue T-shirt which stretched nicely over his well-built physique.
He scanned a look over her. “You look fantastic,” he said.
“You too. Come on in. I just need to get a few things.”
Gregory stepped inside, and she caught the scent of him as he did so. Any part of her that hadn’t turned to jelly just by looking at him certainly did with the scent of his cologne.
Audrey turned, shut the door, and when she turned back, he quickly pulled her to him, pushing her back against the door, and covering her mouth with his.
Her body lit in heat and an explosion of tingles that raced from her toes to her head. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss which was full of power and pleasure.
Teeth scraped, tongues lashed, and breath was fought for. Would her sister notice if they were late? At that moment she wasn’t sure she could stop with a kiss, not when his hands skimmed her arms and then her hips.
Gregory stepped back after a moment and swallowed a breath. “Sorry. I’ve been thinking of doing that all day. I should have had a bit more control.”
She wanted to agree, but how could she? “It’s a nice way to say hello,” she said catching her breath. “Where’s your dog?”
“With my assistant. I’ll pick him up when we’re done with dinner.”
Audrey pressed a hand to her chest, where her heart still raced. “I’ll get my things,” she said again and this time moved past him quickly to collect her purse and her phone.
They managed to make it out to his car without touching each other, which she figured took a lot of strength on both their parts. After all, her heart still hammered in her chest. One more kiss and they’d have been naked on the floor, she was sure of it. And it would have been her making the first move because something about the man had her gears spinning. Forget that he was named the sexiest man in the world. Forget that his annual income was more than she would see in her entire life. He’d asked her to dinner, bought her a dress, sent her flowers, walked his dog with her, and then, in her own home, he had kissed her senseless.
As he pulled open the door, he moved in to take a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine off the seat. When he stepped back, he smiled. “You can’t go to someone’s house without taking something, right? My mother would be disappointed in me if I did such a thing.”
She had to remind herself to close her mouth, as she knew she stood there gaping at him. “Bethany will appreciate that.”
Audrey lowered herself into the seat, and Gregory handed her the flowers and the wine before he walked around the car to get in the other side.
As they drove through town, Audrey let her mind happily spin. She went to her sister’s house for dinner often. But tonight, it was different. In fact, she couldn’t remember ever going to dinner at one of her siblings’ houses with a man. Perhaps a barbecue at Jake’s with someone casually, but this, this was wine and flowers. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat.
“Something on your mind?” he asked as he reached for her hand and locked their fingers.
She looked at the innocent gesture and sucked in another breath. “Just taking it all in.”
A smile settled on his mouth as he drove. “We have some heat.”
“Yeah,” she sighed and then winced at how pathetic it sounded. Heat. Perhaps that was all it was. Even a man brought up to take flowers and wine to someone’s house could be all about sex. In her head, the thought spun that he’d only be there a few months. Relationships weren’t started or guaranteed when people dropped in and then moved on. But she didn’t want to focus on that. She wanted to enjoy this moment with a man that women would fight over, and he was right there, holding her hand.
She was a decent and attractive woman. She had a good head on her shoulders, and she’d always made her own way. Why wasn’t she deserving of a man’s attention—even a famous man.
“I’ll be on set for the next three days solid. Fourteen to sixteen hour days. But I thought maybe on Sunday, if you’re free, we could go on a picnic or something.”
“I’d like that.”
He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Would you like to see the set and my trailer? I could take you there. The set will still be working. They’re shooting scenes I’m not in that day.”
The anticipation of seeing a real, working movie set excited her. “That would be fun.”
“It’s a date,” he confirmed as he took a right at the light.
Audrey eased into her seat. Another date. Who would have thought? She was comfortable with him. And he must be comfortable with her or he wouldn’t want to spend his free time with her. After all, he had a dog, a new town, and very little time off. So for him to want to spend it with her said a lot.
Maybe for once in her life she could just calm down and accept that.
When she did calm down, she realized that Gregory navigated the town as if he’d lived there for years. He’d never asked her for directions to Bethany and Kent’s house, but he was driving as if he knew right where he was going.
“You’ve been out here before?” she asked as he turned down their street.
“Nope. Studied my map before I picked you up. Kent gave me the address.”
She nodded. “You’re resourceful.”
“I memorize a lot of things. It comes naturally to me.”
“Not me,” she said with a shake of her head. “I’m lucky to remember my keys each day.”
“I don’t understand geometry,” he offered as he pulled up in front of her sister’s house. She shifted to look at him, and he laughed. “You cut hair. It’s angles. If you don’t understand angles and how they work, you can’t cut hair, right?”
She gave it some thought. “Right.”
“We all have our strengths.”
So he wasn’t a snob, she decided as he climbed from the car and she opened her door. How refreshing.
By the time she was out of the car, he was right next to her to take her hand and escort her to the door.
As they neared the house, the door flew open, and a fresh-faced Bethany stood there with her red hair wild over her shoulders. She wore a sunny yellow dress that accented her natural coloring. Audrey had always nursed a jealous streak when it came to Bethany. Once it was because she lived in Hollywood, and Audrey hadn’t known that wasn’t a good thing then. Then it was the sheer beauty of her sister. But they each had their own assets, she supposed. Just as Gregory had said, they all had their own strengths.
“I’m so happy you are both here.” Bethany pulled Audrey to her and enveloped her in a warm hug. Still holding tight to her sister, she laid a hand on Gregory’s arm. “I know that your schedule is so tight.”
“I live for these kinds of invitations. It’s not often I’m invited to someone’s home,” he said warmly as he held out the flowers and bottle of wine. “These are for you,” he said handing her the bouquet. “And this is for dessert. Well, the guy said it was a dessert wine,” he explained, as he held the bottle in his hands.
“This is delightful. Thank you.” Bethany smiled at Gregory, and then at Audrey. “Come in,” she offered as she stepped back so that they could pass into the house. “Kent is in the kitchen.”
Audrey led the way to where the smell of something had her mouth watering already. There she found Kent, an apron over his clothes, basting a roast in the oven.
“That smells fantastic,” she said, as she licked her lips.
Kent’s eyes went wide at the sight of both of them as if he’d suddenly become aware of the apron. Finishing his task, he set the baster aside and closed the oven door.
“About another half hour,” he offered. “My mom’s recipe. She’s been keeping tabs on me all day as I’ve been preparing it. Video chat is an amazing thing, isn’t it? The salad is something
my sister enjoys making, so she walked me through that too. Would you both like some wine?”
A warmth filled Audrey’s chest as she listened to him ramble. He was simply one of the most endearing men she’d ever met, and she was happy that her sister had found him.
Audrey moved in and kissed Kent on the cheek. “Let me pour it. You look as if you could use a glass yourself.”
She noticed his cheeks flush from the kiss as he pushed up his glasses and then began pulling at the ties on the apron. Once he’d jerked it off, and hung it on a hook, he pulled down four glasses from the cupboard and set them on the island.
“I promise not to talk shop all night,” Kent began, “but how do you feel about everything?” he asked Gregory as Audrey poured wine into each glass.
“I think it’s running smoothly. The first few days are always the hardest. Everyone is still trying to find their footing. But I think since the crew are all big fans of your work, that helps.”
Audrey watched her brother-in-law’s eyes widen in awe of the statement. “Well, that’s good then,” Kent beamed as he took the glass Audrey handed him. “Here’s to a good start,” he toasted and they all tapped glasses.
Bethany moved in next to her husband and wound an arm around his waist. “Why don’t we all head outside to the patio. It’s such a nice evening.”
As Audrey followed her sister and her husband outside, she felt Gregory’s hand on the small of her back. Lifting a gaze toward him, he smiled, and it sent a bolt of electricity straight through her. Those eyes—they were magical. Already she knew she was getting in way too deep. There was nothing to gain from being smitten with him. Her heart was only going to break in the end. She supposed every quest for something selfish—such as the affection of a man—came with a price. So, she was prepared, she thought, as she sat down on the swing across from her sister, and Gregory next to her.
When he lifted his arm to drape it over her shoulders, she sucked in a breath. That price was going to be steep, she thought. But as he gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, and she relaxed into him, she figured she’d pay it. But she seriously hoped it didn’t break her.
Dinner conversation circled around Kent’s next book and a film that Gregory was slated to start as soon as the current one wrapped. Audrey felt that pang of jealousy ripping through her again as he spoke of the cast he’d be working with in Hawaii. Just a bit too intimate for her, she thought. Perhaps when it was time to let go of him she’d be okay with it. How could she possibly compete with sexy actresses on Hawaiian beaches?
She must have reacted outwardly too, as Bethany rested her hand on her arm. “I have dessert in the kitchen. Help me plate it,” she said as she rose, and Audrey followed her to the kitchen.
Bethany pulled a bowl of strawberries from the refrigerator and set them on the counter before reaching into the cupboard for four small plates.
“He seems like a nice man,” Bethany said.
“Seems like one? You’re not believing that?”
Bethany shrugged as she lifted the lid off a sponge cake and opened a drawer for a knife. “Maybe I should throw that back your way. I saw your reaction when he said he’d be in Hawaii working on a film. Things happen on locations like that.”
Audrey pursed her lips. “I suppose if we were heavily involved, it would be a problem. As it is, this is just us having common ground—you and Kent.”
“I won’t lie. The night that word came in that he’d headed for Vegas instead of Georgia, Kent was pretty upset.”
“I can’t imagine him upset.”
Bethany cut into the cake and placed a piece on each plate. “He gets fidgety, can’t sleep, and he paces. Lord, does he pace.” She took a spoon from the drawer and began to scoop out strawberries and lay them on the slices of cake. “He was sure they’d made the right choice, but then…”
“He figured he’d made a mistake.”
Bethany nodded. “He has a lot riding on this film. It’s bigger than the other ones.”
“He’s had a change of heart?”
Her sister stopped fussing with the dessert and turned to her. “I wasn’t sold on it. I was pissed that someone would put that kind of stress on Kent. And then to hear that you were seeing him…”
“I don’t know that I’m seeing him. I guess we’re getting to know each other. Seriously, I’ve known him a week.”
Bethany crossed her arms in front of her. “Have you kissed him?”
“Why does that matter?”
Her sister’s eyes narrowed disapprovingly. “You have kissed him.”
“So that means you’re seeing him, Audrey. Dresses. Dinner. Kissing. You’re involved.”
“It’s not a real thing. He’s only here ‘til the movie is over. Besides, Kent seems to be fine with him. And you said he seems like a nice guy.”
“And most people who first meet Dad think he’s a nice guy too.”
Audrey winced at that. Most people learned quickly that first impressions can be wrong, as she felt Bethany’s impression of Gregory was wrong.
Bethany handed her two of the plates. She gathered forks from the drawer and smiled sweetly. “I don’t want you to get hurt. I don’t want Kent to get hurt either.”
Anger stirred in Audrey’s belly. “I’m not going to hurt him—Kent.”
Bethany took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I’m feeling a tad protective of my older sister.”
“You had to throw in the older?”
Now Bethany laughed. “He seems like a nice guy,” she said again.
“And I think he is.” She set down the plates Bethany had handed her and touched her sister’s arm. “I’ll call this off if you want me to. It bothers you.”
“I got angry at you yesterday for how you approached his being an actor and I know that was about my faults,” she admitted.
“You know I don’t think you have faults. I mean, look at what you’ve overcome. Crap,” she cursed under her breath. “I didn’t mean to hurt you by saying that.”
“I know you didn’t. I fight it every day. Some days I’m just a little more sensitive to it.”
Looking into her sister’s face, she could see that fight cloud her eyes. Audrey spent her days worried about her own life, and she often forgot that her sister had demons to fight every day. “I’m not going to let him hurt me or Kent or you. I think he’s a decent guy who let his fame go to his head for a night.”
Bethany nodded. “Be careful.”
“I will be,” she promised.
Bethany picked up two of the plates and Audrey followed her back outside with the other two.
* * *
The drive back to Audrey’s was quiet. Gregory never claimed to understand women, but this was a clear sign she had a lot on her mind.
“Kent is a great cook. No matter how hard my mother tried to get me to cook, I never quite excelled at it,” he said, breaking the silence that filled the air.
“He is,” was her only reply as she looked out the window.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Now she turned and looked at him. “No. I’m sorry. Just have a lot on my mind I guess.”
“Understood. You have lots going on right now.”
She nodded, then turned her head back to the window. “She’s worried about me,” Audrey said softly. Almost so softly he had to take a moment to realize what she’d said.
She turned again. “Your Vegas trip gives her some reservation. My approach to you gives her some reservation. And her own life gives her some reservation. However, in her defense, she’s a worry-wart.”
“And protective of her family.”
He reached for her hand and linked their fingers. “I would be too. I can’t blame her.” Gregory pulled up in front of Audrey’s building and put the car in park. “I would never hurt you. Well, not on purpose. When people get involved, there is hurt. I’m not going to say it never happens.�
She narrowed her eyes on his. “We’re involved?”
“I think we established to feel it out when we walked the dog, right?”
She nodded. “Right.”
“Then yeah, we’re involved.”
Audrey kept her eyes locked on his for a beat. “I guess I should invite you in, right? See where it goes from here?”
“And I’d say no.” Regret stirred in his belly even as he said it. “I’d love to come in and see where it would go. And I know right where I want it to go. But I think we should wait. Besides I have to get my dog.”
Squeezing her hand, he opened his door and stepped around the car to the other side as she slid out. He pulled her to him and dipped his head to take her mouth slowly and thoroughly. Though he knew he shouldn’t go inside with her, he wanted to leave her thinking about it. When she lifted her arms around his neck, and her body melted to his, he eased back.
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said. “I don’t know when, but I’ll call you.”
She nodded slowly as if recovering from the kiss. “Okay. Sunday? We still have a date for Sunday?”
“We do.”
He brushed his thumb back over her cheek and kissed her again. She turned and walked toward the door. Gregory waited until she’d gone inside and shut the door before he let out a long and ragged breath. It had been a long time since he’d liked a woman enough to turn down an invitation to follow her into her house.
Running his fingers through his hair, he walked back to the other side of the car and climbed in. As he started the engine, he decided he’d better give this little relationship he was fighting for some serious thought. It would be a shame to lose it over a missed step.
Thursday and Friday, Audrey stood in her kitchen, on her feet, for nearly twelve hours each day, but it bought her a Saturday off. The salon was so close to being done that if she could just get a few full days in there to help Russell and Gerald finish up, she could get open and get people out of her house.