Candy Kisses Page 8
“So are you. You just keep making excuses to not let others see it.”
Tabitha set the slice back on the plate. “I thought you were trying to be nice to me.”
“I am being nice to you. I bought you pizza. By the way, save a slice for Brie. I have to take some back with us.” He bit into his slice. He swallowed his bite and washed it down with soda. “Let go. You don’t have to be a hard ass because you think you have to protect yourself from living like your mother, who, by the way, is very happy.”
“Love should be one time, not many.”
“Says who?”
“Says me. Don’t you believe in forever?”
“Yes. But I’m not one to deny those who keep diving in trying to find it either.”
She opened her mouth to argue and then shut it and sunk into the booth. Was that what her mother was doing? She was testing the waters? Did her mother think forever was there and was so willing to gamble to find it that she took chances with her heart every chance she got. Then there was Tabitha who didn’t gamble at all and was miserable waiting for it?
A young bus boy walked past the table and Preston asked for a box and a large soda cup. The boy returned with the box and cup and Preston began to put the rest of the pizza in it while Tabitha sat silently thinking about what he’d said.
“If you’re not going to eat that now take it back with you. Don’t waste it,” he said closing the box and filling the cup with the rest of the soda in the pitcher.
It had all hit her at once. And she realized, as she watched Preston box up the pizza, that she had indeed wasted it – her life.
Love was something to chase, to seek, to find. Why had she sat by and created masterpieces for others to give someone they loved and not take even a moment to try to find love herself?
This was it. Love was in her grasp and it didn’t come with guarantees and planning. It came fast and hard. It knocked you off balance and made you light headed. That, she realized, was part of the charm.
Preston closed the box and settled a look on her that sent her blood pressure rising. She wasn’t going to waste happiness and the opportunity given to her by a man who was willing to risk everything just to be with her. “I won’t waste it,” she said looking at him. When his eyes locked into hers, she knew he understood. She wasn’t talking about the pizza any longer.
“That’s a big decision.”
Tabitha pressed her hand to her pounding heart. “I’m scared to death.”
Preston turned to face her completely. “I’m not a runner. I don’t give up very easy.”
“I know.”
“Don’t think that if you change your mind tomorrow I’ll just tuck my tail between my legs and walk away.” She nodded and he gave her a careful scan with his eyes. “I fight for what I believe in. And I believe in forever, love at first sight, quick romances, and you.”
Tabitha sucked in a breath and blew it back out slowly. “God, you’ve just scared me again.”
“Good, then you’ll think about it even harder.”
“I don’t want to think anymore. Thinking holds me back, always has.”
“I won’t argue that.” He moved in closer. “I’m staying at your place tonight. And tomorrow.”
Tabitha bit down on her lip and nodded.
“Then I have a wedding to run on Friday and Saturday and you’re going with me.”
“We’re staying at my place those nights.”
Again, she nodded and let her shoulders relax.
“Next week is Valentine’s week. I already have the week off to help mom with the weddings she has planned. I’m going to help you with your orders. Then I am going to be your date to your mother’s wedding.”
She felt the blood drain from her face. Her mother’s wedding. She’d nearly let all the planning slide on it because she didn’t want to think about it. “My mother. I need to get to her and help her with the wedding.”
Preston smiled wide. “Well now. I think you’re truly making a recovery from being a hard ass about all this love stuff.”
The shop was bustling when Tabitha and Preston walked through the door. Brie was calling out orders to those in the back while she helped customers at the counter.
“Glad you’re back. We’ve had a rush.” She handed Tabitha a box and a ribbon. “Tie this while I ring it up.” She looked at Preston. “Go on back. Your mom is in charge of the prep area. She’ll tell you where to go.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He handed Brie the box of pizza and the soda cup then slipped away though the doorway.
Brie punched in the prices into the cash register and gave the customer their total. “If you don’t keep him I’ll take him,” she said with her head tilted toward Tabitha while she waited for the customer to hand her the money for the sale.
“He’s spoken for,” she said without looking up.
The customer handed her the money and Brie stopped “You mean it?”
Tabitha finished the knot with the ribbon and reached behind her for a bag. She carefully slid the box of chocolates inside and handed them to the customer as Brie hastily handed him his change and quickly turned her attention back to her.
When she’d steadied her nerves, Tabitha took a deep breath and faced her best friend. “I mean it.”
Brie gripped her arms and watched her closely. “I never thought I’d see the day you fell in love.”
“Don’t make a big deal.” She tried to turn away, but Brie kept her pinned.
“It is a big deal. You’re in love. You love him.” She shook her head slowly. “I can see it in your eyes. This one is it. He’s your forever.”
Tabitha swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “Stop. I think I’m doing fairly well just giving in. Don’t make me freak out.”
“Oh, you’ll freak out all right. You’ll lose your mind over it. That’s how you are. But this time, at the end of the day, he’ll be there.” Brie pulled her tightly to her and squeezed until Tabitha thought she’d crush a rib. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Okay. Okay.” She pushed back. “Let’s just keep it low. I need to get through next week and my mom’s wedding and then I can see what happens.”
Brie turned around to the display case and arranged the chocolates on the trays. “I think you should go away with him.” She turned her head to look at Tabitha. “After the fifteenth, of course.”
“Of course. And where would we go?”
“Anywhere. Hawaii. Las Vegas. Vail and hide away in a cabin surrounded by snow.”
Tabitha was sure she’d seen Brie’s eyes glaze over. “I have to get back to work. My mother is going to need my level head this week. I sure hope I can give that to her.”
Chapter Eight
Guilt was a great motivator. Tabitha had promised her mother to help her with her wedding, not only the chocolates. However, when she sat down at her mother’s table, a mere six days before the wedding, she realized she hadn’t helped at all.
The invitations, she hadn’t helped address them, only dropped them in the mail. Peter had taken her mother to the dress store to pick out her dress, not her. The flowers, oh, she’d helped with that. She’d called an acquaintance and told her, “Whatever you have left over will do.”
Tabitha was sick to her stomach. “I’ve really let you down.” She looked down at the guest list, which was much bigger than she’d remembered, or expected.
“You’ve never let me down.” Her mother reached across the table and gave Tabitha’s hand a squeeze. “You’re quite a woman. I’m proud of who you are.”
“I should have helped you more. I’ve been so defiant about all of this.” She waved her arm over the mound of papers and receipts that lay in front other.
“It wasn’t fair of me to ask you to do so much. I understood that early on. You have a very successful business and this time of year I should be helping you, not asking you to do the one thing you despise the most.”
Tabitha pursed her l
ips. “And what is it I despise the most?”
“Weddings. People falling in love and getting all ooey-gooey over each other.” Even the words made Tabitha tense, but this time not because they disgusted her, but because she knew the real power in them.
“I still should have had some consideration for your feelings, and Peter’s.”
“I know you love me. And I know I have caused you so much pain by being so free with falling in love. But, Tabby, I can’t help it. Love is so wonderful and I want to hold it for as long as it will last.” She threw her hands in the air. “Oh, I’m a sucker for chocolates and flowers. I never tire hearing the words I love you. Falling asleep in the arms of the man you love is priceless.”
“But do you even know if it’s real anymore?” Tabitha didn’t like the way it sounded, but her mother was still smiling when she leaned in over the table.
“It’s all real, Tab. All of it.” She patted her hand again and stood. She walked to the cupboard and took down two wine glasses. “Sure, I haven’t been very lucky when it comes to longevity, but I’ve never been sad.”
Tabitha thought about it. No matter what state of love she was in, whether it was the falling in or falling out of, her mother was happy. As if she knew, the end wasn’t forever. She watched as her mother opened a bottle of wine and filled the two glasses.
Oh, she’d shed her share of tears and so had Tabitha. Each man who came in and out of their lives over the years was almost equally important to Tabitha as they’d been to her mother, only Tabitha hadn’t taken their leaving as well as her mother had.
Her mother set the glasses on the table and sat back down across from Tabitha. She took the invitations and began to sort through them. “This is going to be a beautiful wedding.”
“Mom, do you think this is the one? The one forever.”
Her mother smiled, lifted her glass to her lips. “I hope so.”
It wasn’t yes. It wasn’t no. Yet her mother sat before her with glazed over eyes and a smile that would light the room.
Tabitha felt a jolt in her stomach. She didn’t know if it was fear or the universal understanding that love was to be enjoyed in the moment and worked on forever. She was so worried about getting beyond the end she’d never let there be a beginning.
She began to gather the papers that lay before her. “It looks like everything is in order. I’ll confirm the flowers.” And see if she could make the floral arrangements something better than what was left over. “I’ll check on the hall and the caterer.”
“Thank you, Tabitha.”
She stood and gathered her purse and her coat from the back of the chair. “I hope it’s okay, but I’d like to bring Preston with me.”
“Oh, darling, it’s more than okay.” Her mother stood. “The two of you seem to be getting pretty serious.”
Tabitha let out a steady breath. “I’m learning what that means. My practical way of thinking says it’s much too early to talk about being serious.”
“And your unpractical?”
Tabitha felt her cheeks rise as she smiled at her mother. “My unpractical says I should enjoy this moment because I think I’ve fallen in love with him.”
Her mother’s wide grin must have surpassed even her own. “Do enjoy it.”
Tabitha slipped on her coat and pulled on her gloves. Her mother kissed her on the cheek as she left the house and headed out into the bitter winter in Colorado, but for the first time she didn’t feel the cold. Her body resonated warmth from the inside.
Tabitha pulled up outside of her house and the warmth that had filtered through her only increased when she saw Preston’s car parked out front.
He opened his door and stepped out into the street as Tabitha parked her car. “I wondered if you’d forgotten our arrangement.”
His heavy leather coat was zipped to the neck and sleek leather gloves covered his hands, but she wondered if he could even feel the cold. She hadn’t felt it all day.
With the door to her car still open, she ran to him. She barreled her body into his, knocking him slightly off balance. Her arms encircled his neck and his hands gripped her hips. When she pressed her lips to his she felt the cold chill, which had settled on them, but a moment later the warmth from her mouth made his pliant.
Her fingers tunneled through his hair and her tongue sought out to tempt his senses. Tabitha pressed harder to him and he wrapped his arms around her.
When her breath was gone, she pulled back slightly from the kiss to take in the view of him. His dark hair had channels from where she’d run her fingers. His lips were soft from the warmth of her kiss, and his eye just a bit hazy.
He pulled her in tighter. “That took me a bit by surprise.”
“I missed you.”
He pushed her back at arm’s length and looked her over from head to toe. “You did?”
Tabitha nodded. “I couldn’t get home to you quick enough.” She pushed up to him again. “Let’s get inside. I’m not done with you.”
“I certainly can’t argue with that logic.”
She ran back to her car and slammed the door and then ran up the front stairs with Preston right behind her.
As soon as they shut the cold outside behind the door there was a whirlwind of coats and gloves falling to the floor. Preston pressed Tabitha up against the wall and began the task of unbuttoning her shirt. She loosened the belt around his waist as their mouths ravaged hot against the other’s.
When her shirt fell to the floor, his hands moved swiftly to her breasts. He peeled back the lace that covered them. He didn’t unfasten her bra, he worked around it. When her skin was bare he took each one in to his hands and then into his mouth.
Tabitha’s head fell back against the wall. The quick work she’d made unbuttoning his pants slowed drastically as he clamped his mouth around her swollen, sensitive, nipple. Pleasure shot from her chest down between her legs.
She dragged her fingers through his hair again and gave a little tug. “We have to get to the bedroom.”
“No. Here. Now.” His voice was low and growled out his desires in a caveman’s grunt. He pulled her away from the wall and lowered her onto the cold tile beneath them.
Tabitha arched her skin away from the cold on her back as Preston pulled off her shoes and sent them flying into the other room. A moment later, he was giving her jeans a hard yank and ripping them from her legs. His mouth quickly went back to work over her stomach and back up to her breasts.
She reached around him and slid her hands down the back of his pants. His firm butt was like putty in her hands that she molded. Her hands still in his pants, she began to push them away as he kicked off his shoes. Preston adjusted so he could push away the constrictive clothing then returned to her.
“Damn,” he growled as he reached behind them and reeled in his pants to pull his wallet from the pocket. He unloaded the contents until he found the foil packet then ripped it open with his teeth.
She watched as he hurried to roll on the condom, almost willing to risk it all to move on and have him inside of her. But he finished quickly and a moment later slid inside of which forced her to lay back on the hard, cold floor with the onslaught of pleasure. But within a moment she forgot about the discomfort under her as the weight and heat of her lover moved over her, in her.
The pace was quick and urgent. Fingers clawed at flesh. Teeth nipped at tender spaces. Moans rattled in her chest and only half of them were hers.
Every muscle in her body tightened and as they did, his body pressed closer and closer to hers. He gripped her hips as she pulled her legs around him tighter.
Any composure she had left liquefied as she pulsed around him and he released. His body was heavy on hers as he caught his breath and regained his strength.
“That warmed me up.” His voice was low in her ear.
“You’re not the one with your back on the tile.”
“Nope, I’m the one with my knees on it.” He groaned a laugh into her neck and she held hi
m tight.
Never had she thought she’d embrace a man on a cold tile floor and wonder if it was necessary to let him go – ever.
The glow from the television flickered in the dark room. Tabitha laid perfectly still in Preston’s arms. A thin sheet wrapped around them, their limbs entangled, and he slept while she thought.
It was a harsh reality when you were thirty, had been in a couple relationships, and suddenly realized not once had you ever been in love. Never in her life had she been as comfortable in a man’s arms as she was in Preston’s. However, her mother’s track record made her leery of the happiness she was feeling. When would it end? When would they grow tired of each other?
He shifted around her. “You should be sleeping,” his voice was low and gruff with sleep.
When she shifted to look at him, his eyes were closed. She let out a sigh. “I can’t.”
“Turn off the TV then.” He pressed his face into the crevice of her neck and placed small, soft, warm kisses on her skin. “I could give it another go. Try and wear you out a little more.”
Tabitha chuckled and searched the bed around her for the remote to the TV. She turned it off and the room grew completely dark.
“I’m completely worn out and have to be at work in a few hours.” She rolled up next to him until her naked body pressed against his. “But I’m willing to let you try.”
He let out a moan that bordered on tired and aroused. Tabitha wrapped her arms around his neck as he gripped her hip in his hand, but the advancement stopped there as he peeled open his sleepy eyes and stared at her.
The feel of his body next to her, and his obvious arousal, should have been reason enough for her smile. Instead, it was the sincerity of his look as he locked his gaze into her eyes.
“I love you,” his voice was low, but steady.
Her urge was to back away, but his hands held her in place and his eyes held her to an answer. She sucked in the air necessary to make the commitment. She willed her rapid heart rate to still. But when his lips curled into a sleepy smile she lost the control she fought for. “Preston, I love you too.”